Truth be told, when people look at me they perceive every situation is almighty under control, that; “She surely must practice what she preaches" but I speak for everyone that it is not always the case. We all fall short in some way and the truth is, we fall short not because we want to but because we are human and we all have flaws.
Flaws are essential in the constituents that make a human, for it is through them that we learn that people are different from each other and consequently how we relate to each other as well, becomes different. A lot of times when we notice how different a person is from us, we tend to distance ourselves from the person and or view them in a bad way.
How different are we from the person, if then we choose to retaliate and give an 'eye for an eye' approach to socially adapting with the person or those we don't see 'eye to eye' with?
There really is no difference, if you we do not at some point put into consideration why that person behaves the way they do and how best we can approach or tolerate them?
Introspection is a handy tool - if practiced right and constantly. It begins to assist us with ourselves and those around us by way of showing how we can govern our relationship with 'self' as well as others.
There is a lot we can learn from people, if we choose to be open minded. We can either alter our character traits for betterment or avoid certain aspects for ourselves by way of learning about other people and ourselves, for how do we grow if we do not reflect and introspect?
Many times we forget - forget who we are, our principles, our values, characters, morals, and where we come from. The situations and environments around us, believe it or not make us act in certain manners, consciously and sometimes unconsciously. We act in manners that we sometimes regret after revelation and reflection that we shouldn't have acted in that manner. The good thing about revelation is the enlightenment that one gets & honestly speaking it is okay to act irresponsible and do things that if you think of them now you shake your head! It’s all a part of the learning curve!
Think about that time you were irresponsible,the pain you had to go through and or the actions you took as just lessons and what you should do is to merely take note of those times and reflect without regretting, for it is not everyone that is perfect and I'd like to think there is no perfection either way.
Experience is the greatest teacher like I always say but ignorance is a thief and the bible even says "My people perish because of lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4 verse 6) so the mistakes, and pain are just a part of what life has to do with learning, so embrace your learning experiences!
As a human being, you grow, you experience changes like anybody else - and like everyone else, in those changes you experience and you learn every single day that no one knows everything or is superior to anything. It is probably only GOD who is superior and holds the knowledge unattainable to humans so there is really no point in denying that, but you as a Christian, as a human being - do your part and do not ignore the lessons that have been brought to you and will continue to come to you, write them down if need be and remind yourself all the time, If ever you are presented in a similar position such that you will know how to handle the situations.
Let this be your reminder today; It does not matter what you have done, who you have done it with, how bad it has tarnished you and how bad it was! What is crucial and most fundamental is what you have done about it, what you have learnt and how you are going to use the experience to grow.
Always ask yourself this; How am I helping the world through the lessons attained, where am I going and most importantly who am I have becoming in the whole process?
Everyone has a story to tell, a story lived and a story that plays a role in this world, small or big it is still a story and that character because they are in this world - it simply means their role is important and equal just as yours. The tendency and norm to look down upon others is quite popular especially in this generation where we judge each other through social media platforms and the materialistic things we own. Try your very best at all times to remember we all have flaws, we all fall short, we are human and as I recently acquired this knowledge that human nature is complex.
So why not better ourselves and others while we are alive, and not be a part of the population that wants to pollute what we should do abundantly which is to love, live in peace, joy and serenity.
Get back up every time you fall, stumble and break down, we have heard this countless times I know. At times for myself I even ignore this reminder but it is at times when I feel like giving up that another reminds me!
Remind someone today, make them feel better about something, encourage them, be there for them, pray for them.You are not alone on this planet, it is not everything that you can do by yourself - we all need somebody.
God still loves you, exceedingly and abundantly, I mean if he did not why are you still alive, why you are still being blessed despite your past? Think about it, you have a destiny planned, a purpose to fulfill so do yourself a favor and do what you know is right and try do it as much as you can and remember you are flawed, she is flawed, he is flawed, they are flawed, no perfection in you thus no perfection in others.
I hope this does it for every person who has read today's edition of We Are Human!
Dedication to this post: Tasha Cobbs - You Still Love Me